Frei.Wild online store now available again !

Dear Frei.Wild fans,

Starting now, our new and entirely revised online shop is available for you again! Everything was brought up to the latest security standards.

ACT NOW! Generate a new password or create an account and get yourself a bonus of € 5! The amount will be credited after you’ve logged in to your account.

Again, we’re very sorry about all this!

All shop users have received another e-mail from us with further information regarding the hacker attack.

To generate a new password for your existing account: CLICK HERE

Or to create a brand new account: CLICK HERE

Best wishes,

Your Frei.Wild online shop team

PS: We hope you understand that we had to strengthen the security guidelines in respect of password generation (10 characters minimum, capital and small letters, digits, and special characters have to be used)

Here you’ll find the e-mail that we sent to your shop users: CLICK HERE


15 years of German rock and SKAndals - samples online!

One moment ago everyone was singing „Oh Tannenbaum“ and “Alle Vöglein sind schon da” (English: “O Christmas Tree” and “all the birdies are already here”), and after just quickly clearing our throats ... BAM! Festival summer was here and it smells like fresh air and sunscreen. Okay, it doesn’t quite feel like it yet, after all the bio mud treatment we’d gotten at the Alpen Flair and the thunderstorms at Rock am Härtsfeldsee, but we’re definitely still looking forward to the 15-Jahre show in Berlin. After all, every cloud will be rained out at some point and the lightning will cease, too ;-)

Yup, the countdown has started and we’re working like dogs for this. We think we’ve never puttered around that much and we’ve never had that many spotlights above us ;-)

We’re sure everyone knows by now that on July 29, 2016, the possibly most “SKAndalous” Frei.Wild piece is going to be released.

In advance we have a bunch of snippets for you. Check ‘em out and enjoy! You’re gonna be listening and be amazed at how much of a good mood and summer feeling the songs will be spreading.

So, crank up the volume, get yourself a cool beer out of the fridge and get yourself out into the sun!

Here are all links for pre-order as well as the audio samples: CLICK HERE

Here the samples on SoundCloud: CLICK HERE

Your SKAndalous band ;-)


Frei.Wild - 15 years special with interview at 19.07. in AgF radio !

Hallo zusammen,

am 19.07. findet beim AgF-Radio ein Special anlässlich des 15jährigen Jubiläums statt.

Mit dabei ist auch eine Abstimmung über die Top10 der Hörer.

Hier die Zeilen dazu von Chris (Saubaazi):

In exakt einem Monat erscheint die "15 Jahre Deutschrock und SKAndale" von Frei.Wild. Nicht nur diese CD und das Konzert, sondern auch der Geburtstag im allgemeinen waren Grund genug nach Südtirol zu fahren und die vier Jungs so richtig zu den letzten 15 Jahren auszuquetschen. Was war der schönste Moment? Warum leiden die Jungs am Benjamin Button Syndrom? Warum ist die nächste CD immer die beste? Das und vieles mehr könnt ihr euch am 19.07.2016 ab 18 Uhr anhören! Dazu kommen EURE Frei.Wild Charts der letzten 15 Jahre. Die Abstimmung findet ihr hier: KLICK

Lasst uns gemeinsam die letzten 15 Jahre der Band Revue passieren und zusammen auf das Geburtstagskind anstoßen!

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